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We envision a world where improving the life opportunities of disadvantaged people and protecting the environment are recognized and practised as essential parts of doing business.


We partner with business communities and those impacted by business to enable responsible business practices and to remove the obstacles that limit sustainability and inclusive growth in the society. 


PiC was established as a Society in 1995 under the Societies Act of 1860 to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India and is amongst the pioneering organizations in India that promoted CSR through partnerships. Our presence in policy spaces, including the role played by us in evolving National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business (NVGs), have helped promote CSR from a rights-based framework. We assist companies to become partners in development by promoting rights-based partnerships amongst business, disadvantaged communities and the government.


We collaborate with companies, business associations and the government as well as national and international civil society organizations on a wide range of innovative programmes to promote human rights in business.


We work towards strengthening progressive national and international instruments, especially the Constitution of India, NVGs, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our work resonates closely with the SDGs, specifically Goal 8 (Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all) and Goal 12 (Sustainable consumption and production). Most relevant of all is Goal 17, which calls for a revitalisation of the global partnership for sustainable development.

Focus Areas

1. Building Partnerships for enabling Policy Ecosystem towards Responsible Business

2. Promoting Responsible Businesses towards achieving SDGs

3. Promoting Responsible Banking and Financing

Building Partnerships to Create An Enabling Policy Ecosystem for Responsible Business

Promoting Responsible Business To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Partners in Change © 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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