National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
PiC Working Papers on Responsible Banking examine the financial sector from the perspectives of social equity, human rights and sustainable development. They reflect the view that CSR for the financial sector ultimately means being accountable to a broad range of external as well as internal stakeholders.
Responsible Banking: Working Paper 1
Why be responsible? The case for being a good bank considers three ethical justifications for responsible banking.
Responsible Banking: Working paper 2
Banks, Financial Institutions and the India Responsible Business Index: Analysing Commitments uses publically disclosed data to assess financial sector commitments to promoting social inclusion.
Responsible Banking: Working Paper 3
Disclosure can stop cronyism: How irresponsible lending can be stopped through transparent public disclosure makes the case for transparency and more proactive disclosure in the context of the NPA crisis and the phenomenon of willful defaulting.
Responsible Banking: Working Paper 4
Whither sustainability? Indian banks and the Equator Principles considers the Equator Principles and their uptake in India. It identifies the need for action to promote sustainability of the financial sector and sustainable development more broadly.
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting: From the Caste Lens
It is not surprising that caste does not find its deserving mention in the BRSR framework. The SEBI framework is a dilution, even when one looks at the BRR framework that the NGRBC proposed in Annexure 3. ISO 26000 makes explicit mention of Caste as a basis for discrimination. The Indian narrative borrowed a lot from ISO 26000, but fails to incorporate the indigenous institution of discrimination in its reporting framework. There is still a long way to go for this to happen.